Winterizing Your Above Ground Pool Equipment

Winterizing Your Above Ground Pool Equipment

If you have an Above Ground pool, one of the items on your pool-closing checklist is packing away your filter and pump. While it’s a relatively straightforward task, doing it properly ensures your equipment remains in top shape for the next swimming season. Here’s how to winterize your pool’s filter and pump with ease:

Winterizing the Pump

  1. Drain and Remove: Start by completely removing all drain plugs from the pool pump, chlorinator (if you have one), and all attached hoses. This step is crucial to prevent any water from freezing and causing damage.

  2. Storage Tips: Gather all the drain plugs and place them in the pump basket. This will help you keep everything organized and avoid a frantic search for missing parts come spring. If you are not blowing out your equipment, be sure to store the pump, chlorinator, and hoses indoors. Keeping them inside helps extend their lifespan and protects them from harsh winter conditions.

Winterizing the Filter

The method for winterizing your filter depends on its type. Here’s a quick guide for each:

  • Sand Filters:

    • Set the multiport valve to the “Winterize” position.
    • Remove the drain plug at the bottom of the filter to allow it to drain completely.
    • If your multiport valve includes a bleeder valve and a sight glass, remove these as well and store them in the pump basket.
    • Ideally, bring your filter indoors for the winter. If it’s too heavy, you can leave it outside as long as all the drain plugs are removed. This will prevent freezing water or condensation from cracking the filter tank.
  • Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) Filters:

    • Drain the filter, then rinse off the grids or fingers with a hose to remove any excess D.E. powder.
    • Leave the valves open to ensure that no water remains inside.
  • Cartridge Filters:

    • Drain the filter and rinse off the cartridge with a hose.
    • Store the cartridge indoors for the winter to protect it from freezing temperatures.

For Salt Water Pools

If your pool uses a salt water system, follow these steps to winterize:

  1. Adjust the Chlorine Generator: Switch the chlorine generator to the “winter” setting if it has one.

  2. Remove the Electrolytic Cell: For systems without a winter setting, unscrew the end caps of the generator to access the removable electrolytic cell. Remove the cell or, if you prefer, the entire salt system.

  3. Clean and Store: Take a few moments to clean the electrolytic cell before storing it. This simple step will help prolong its lifespan and reduce potential issues when reopening your pool.

Final Note

Bringing your above ground pool equipment indoors after disconnecting it is the best way to protect your investment. Indoor storage keeps your filter, pump, chlorinator, heater, and other components safe from the cold and extends their useful life.

By following these winterizing tips, you’ll ensure that your pool equipment is ready for action when the warmer weather returns. Happy closing, and here’s to a smooth opening next season!

Please note, this is not a comprehensive list.  If you are unsure of the details of any of these items, be sure to hire a professional to winterize your pool instead, and keep your investment safe!