Clear Pools With Bioguard Smart Shock!

Clear Pools With Bioguard Smart Shock!

  • Combined Functions: It combines the functions of oxidizer, chlorine shock, algaecide, and water clarifier into one product. This simplifies pool maintenance by reducing the number of chemicals needed and the steps required to maintain water quality.
  • Oxidizes Contaminants: Smart Shock effectively oxidizes organic contaminants and swimmer waste that can build up in pool water. This helps in breaking down undesirable compounds and restoring water clarity and freshness.
  • Chlorine Boost: It provides a boost of chlorine to kill bacteria, algae, and other harmful microorganisms. This is crucial for maintaining sanitary conditions in the pool and ensuring it is safe for swimmers.
  • Algaecide Properties: Smart Shock contains algaecide properties that help prevent and control algae growth. This is important for maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the pool and preventing green water or algae blooms.
  • Water Clarification: It includes water clarifiers that aid in removing particles and debris, enhancing water clarity. This makes the pool water more inviting and visually appealing.
  • Convenience: Using Smart Shock simplifies pool maintenance routines because it reduces the need for multiple products and treatments. This can save time and effort for pool owners or maintenance professionals.

    Please contact us at 952-368-6070 if there are any questions!